New phone number
You can call us from now on at the phone number +32 467 71 36 62.
Via Whatsapp, you can reach us 24/7 at +32 493 33 33 60. Send a message and we will get back to you.
New phone number
You can call us from now on at the phone number +32 467 71 36 62.
Via Whatsapp, you can reach us 24/7 at +32 493 33 33 60. Send a message and we will get back to you.
Some of our products
Our products can be used for various purposes, i.e. floors, walls, showers,…
Contact us for more information.
Microtopping is a popular choice for those looking for a unique and timeless finish for their interiors.
Polyurethane floor
A polyurethane (PU) floor is a plastic molding floor that can be applied seamlessly over an existing substrate. This floor is slightly elastic, does not crack and is easy to maintain.
Trowel floor
Trowel floors are strong, slip and scratch resistant floors that are easy to maintain. They are often used commercially because of these excellent properties.
Stone carpet
Stone carpet consists of millions of small stones glued with epoxy. After installation, the floor is walkable within 24 hours. Stone carpet gives a warm, beautiful and modern impression.